This tutorial is to be used as an introductory tutorial for use of the Fusion3 F410.
This printer has been rebuilt and is Klipper based.
Turn on the Fusion3 F410.
Tap screen to check if it is already on.
If it's not on, the power switch is located on the back right of the printer.
Verify the build plate is clean and clear from any previous prints.
Verify or load the correct filament into the printer. A Filament Options Tutorial is available when choosing a filament type.
Turn on ventilation if required due to filament type.
Verify or install the correct build plate which corresponds to the type of filament being printed.
Build plates are found below the printer, under the table.
For PLA, PETG, TPU and others, use the black Buildtak build plate.
For ABS, use the yellow PEI build plate.
For PC, use glass with a glue stick applied to the surface.
Log in to the computer near the printer using the credentials at the top of the screen.
Open the slicer software. In this case, it will be PrusaSlicer.
PrusaSlicer Logo is shown in second image.
Documentation for PrusaSlicer can be found here.
Here is the link to the user interface documentation as needed.
Verify "Fusion3 F410" is selected under "Print settings"
Select the correct filament type.
A tutorial going through commonly used filament types is found here.
Within the third text box under "Physical Printers", select "Fusion3 F410".
User interface basics for PrusaSlicer can be found here as needed.
To upload a stl file, select the box as shown in the image.
Use the object manipulation tools for positioning, scaling, orientation and so forth as discussed in the Object Manipulation tutorial.
Placing an object perfectly flat on a build plate is necessary to avoid generating support material or printing difficult angles. More information can be found here.
Modify the support material options which can be found below the printer selection.
For further information on support material and why it is needed, refer to the Support Material tutorial.
Once you are satisfied with the orientation of the part, select the Slice now button on the bottom right of the window.
After slicing is complete, PrusaSlicer will display a preview of the print as demonstrated in the second image.
Verify that the part on the screen is what you wanted.
Layer cross section can be viewed by clicking and dragging the orange slide bars on the right side of the window as shown.
If further changes are needed, select the 3D box icon on the bottom left of the screen.
Once the file looks ready to print, select the "G" button in the bottom right of the window.
Rename file to something easily recognizable.
Select "Upload" to transfer the file to the printer automatically.
On the printer select Print.
Navigate to find the uploaded file.
Date and refresh buttons may help.
Select Print.
After verifying the selected file is correct, select print again to start the print.
Wait until the first layer prints correctly before leaving.
This printer requires periodic monitoring.
The user is expected to check on the printer every two hours.
If this is not possible, notify the Lab Director for further instructions.
If this is not done, access to the Fab Lab may be revoked.
Almost done!
Finish Line