Open the program “Photograv.”
Open image by clicking “Open Image” in the top left corner.
“Select Material” in the top left corner
For this example, we will be using Baltic Birch.
Once the material is selected, press “Okay.”
Select “Interactive Mode” in the top toolbar. At the bottom of the screen, begin adjusting different tool settings.
Typically you will be changing the Speed and Power based on the material you're using.
Once you’re satisfied with the way your image looks, go to “Final Process” in the top toolbar. Press “yes” when a screen pops up.
Go to “Save Images” and save your image as “Engrave.” Press “Okay.”
When it says “Successfully Saved,” press “Okay.”
Your file is now ready to be imported into RD Works. Continue with the BOSS Laser Cutter tutorial.
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