This guide shows you how to transmit data from a ESP32 UWB, via a Notecard, and to Notehub. It also shows how to create a project in Notehub, such that the transmitted data can be viewed.
USB Type A to USB Micro B
4 male to female wires
Connect the following pins:
3V3 on ESP32 to V+ on Notecarrier
GND (the GND next to the 3V3 pin is the one we used) on ESP32 to GND on Notecarrier
IO21 on ESP32 to SDA on Notecarrier
IO22 on ESP32 to SCL on Notecarrier
Connect the ESP32 UWB to your computer using USB
Download Arduino IDE :
Once downloaded, choose the correct board:
Navigate to Tools->Board->Boards Manager
Search “esp32” and click “Install”
Once installed (can take a few minutes), navigate to Tools->Board->esp32 and select “ESP32 Wrover Module”
Select the port by navigating to Tools->Port and select the port you want to use. In my case it was called “/dev/cu.usbserial-02310491”
Install the Notecard library:
Each Notecard comes with 5000 “consumption credits.” To utilize these credits, you need to create a Notehub account. After setting up a Notehub account, you can create a project. Then, by adding the ProjectUID to your code, the data sent from the Notecard will appear in your Project.
Sign up to Notehub:
Create a project by clicking “Create Project”. Something similar to image 1 should pop up.
Add a project name and complete the ProductUID. Click "Create Project."
The ProductUID is circled in red in the second image. Copy this ProductUID.
Copy the code from the image into Arduino IDE. The code is a basic “Hello World,” which sends a hardcoded temperature and humidity value.
Under #define productUID "FILL_IN_PRODUCTUID", add the ProductUID from Notehub. It should look something like #define productUID "edu.bucknell.XXX:testing"
Compile and upload the code to the ESP32 by clicking the "->" icon in Arduino IDE
In Notehub, click on the project you have created.
Select "Events"
Data should now have been sent to Notehub, and it should look something like the image.