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Minor Versionm

by Graeme C. Bazarian


Single extrusion is best for beginners and designers that want a quick prototype. Unless you're doing something that specifically requires two types of material, use this tutorial.

Published by Jacquelyn V. Scott with contributions from Daniel T. Vasquez, Graeme C. Bazarian and Matt P. Lamparter.

    • First, login to the computer between the 3D printers and use your badge with the TAZ's badging box to power on the printer. If the machine doesn't come on, make sure the large red power switch on the front of the machine is switched on.

  1. If this is your first time using the printer in the Maker-E, you will need to run the MakerE_2018.02.26.reg file located on the desktop before launching Simplify3D.  The file can also be found on the Maker-E Google drive. Once you have run the registry file you should launch the Simplify3D application, also located on the desktop. After Simplify3D opens you should see the screen shown here. If you encounter a login screen, please stop and see a technician.
    • If this is your first time using the printer in the Maker-E, you will need to run the MakerE_2018.02.26.reg file located on the desktop before launching Simplify3D. The file can also be found on the Maker-E Google drive.

    • Once you have run the registry file you should launch the Simplify3D application, also located on the desktop.

    • After Simplify3D opens you should see the screen shown here. If you encounter a login screen, please stop and see a technician.

    • Download the profile for the Taz printer from here. Then open Simplify3D and navigate to File-> Import FFF profile. Select and import the profile you just downloaded.

    • Click on the Edit Process Settings button at the bottom left of the window. Use the Select Profile drop-down menu to select the Lulzbot Taz 6 profile you just imported. Make any adjustments you need to suit your print. If unsure, use the profile as is.

    • Check the filament reel that you are using for it's material and recommended temperature range and ensure that the profile matches it. Using temperatures outside of recommended spec can result in damage to the printer and will guarantee a poor print.

    • Want to use a different filament? Check out our filament swapping guide for the TAZ

    • Import any standard 3D model with .stl format. Don't have one? You can find free models at Thingiverse

    • Try this octopus pen-holder for a quick start.

    • If needed, double click on the model and use the controls on the right to rotate, move, or scale the model. Use the 'Center and Arrange' tool in the edit menu to automatically arrange parts on the print bed.

    • There is a hole in the Taz print bed, so move the print to the side to avoid it. If your print is too large to avoid the hole, position the hole away from any edges or supports in your print

    • Use the 'Prepare to Print' button to slice the model up, converting it into Gcode which the printer can understand.

    • Move the SD card from the printer into the reader below the monitor and save the gcode to the SD card. Safely eject the SD card and move it back into the printer's SD card slot.

    • The PEI surface of the TAZ's bed works well without adding anything to it, so don't apply gluestick or blue-tape. Its a hassle to remove the bed for cleaning and expensive to replace so take care of it.

    • Use the navigation dial below the screen on the TAZ to enter the main menu by pressing it like a button.

    • Rotate the dial to scroll down to "Print from SD" and select it by pressing the dial like before.

    • Scroll to the file you saved to the SD card and selected it to start the print.

    • If nothing is showing up in the SD card's contents, try restarting the TAZ. Sometimes the SD card isn't properly mounted when inserted while the TAZ is already on.

    • The TAZ will go into a cooldown stage after it has finished printing your part. Wait until the bed moves forward presenting your print before removing from the bed for an easy release.

    • Removing the part will be as easy as pulling it off for most parts. In the case that your part sticks too well, be careful not to damage the bed using sharp tools.

    • The bed leveling process doesn't complete and the print doesn't start: The metal contact pads may need to be cleaned. Wipe them down with a clean paper towel and isopropyl alcohol. Restart the print job

    • The printer uses the wrong nozzle: See the LulzBot TAZ 6 Filament Swapping guide for instructions on switching between nozzles

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Jacquelyn V. Scott

Member since: 08/16/2017

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